Apparently I’m a finalist in the Redshirts art contest

So, I haven’t updated my creative projects section in quite a while. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on creative projects. I’ve just been working on things that I can’t yet record. Some commission art pieces, some writing, oh, and an art contest for John Scalzi’s upcoming novel Redshirts, where – APPARENTLY – […]

Things for 2012 That Sound Suspiciously Like Resolutions, but Totally Aren’t, so Try Not to Get Confused

NOT resolutions. Really. They’re numbered, but they’re not necessarily in any particular order, so I guess I could have just not numbered them, but then it would have been harder for me to figure out how many I had written. Onward and upward. 1. One new creative project every week, either artwork of some sort(illustration, […]