Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve had a blog post up. But I have a very good excuse! It hasn’t been the general sorts of things, like laziness, or forgetfulness, or just plain sick of blogging. No, in April we discovered that we had to move out of the nice home we had been […]
Man, where has the time gone? In the period since my last blog post back in February, I have experienced the following (not necessarily in this order): We learned recently that my father has been diagnosed with cancer. I suppose this probably warrants more than just a bullet point on a list, but I’m trying […]
Marvel vs. DC: Zombies eating your brains
I must have a thing for Brad Guigar since this is the second post in a row where I link to him. However, in this case, we are definitely not in agreement. Read what he had to say last week in regards to DC’s current Blackest Night storyline. Feh. I still say this plot reads […]
Iowa State Fair 2009: some observations
So, yesterday AND today we hauled the entire family — myself, my wife, our two boys, and our brand new (1 month old) daughter — to the Iowa State Fair. It’s a trek we take every year, though not always twice. This year was slightly more problematic than in previous years, though not necessarily for […]
Meet baby Harlyn
Take a look at what has been keeping us preoccupied the past few days. She’s healthy and beautiful; an amazing bundle of screams, gurgles, smiles and poop. Needless to say, we’re quite taken with her. Thought you might appreciate the update.
Facebook landgrab sucessful!
I was able to successfully acquire my desired name in the great Facebook vanity URL landgrab of 2009. No longer am I Facebook Random User ID# 501415487. I can now be found at It’s a minor thing, truly, but one that I’m happy to have secured. And yes, I was up late at night […]
What have I been up to?
My regular blog readers have probably noticed the silence these past couple of months. I’ve been extremely busy, both at work and at home. At some point within the past few months, I slightly altered the sidebar description of this blog to denote that it is reserved for “larger more encompassing thoughts, essays, concepts, and […]
Neil Gaiman deserves a bit more credit
You’ve probably heard about this new Coraline movie coming out, perhaps? It’s the one that looks provocative, yet somewhat nauseatingly creepy. Yeah, that’s the one. It’s the movie that’s based on a novella written by one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman. You probably didn’t know that, because the commercials for the movie never even […]
Ficlets REBORN! (sort of)
I missed this news by a solid week, but it bears mentioning. Kevin Lawver has finally posted the entirety of the recently deceased Ficlets library online, and it is a thing of beauty. Beautiful not just in the fact that it contains thousands upon thousands of miniature stories, the bright flashes of life and insight […]
AOL kills Ficlets
Well, it was really only a matter of time. Once Kevin Lawver left AOL, I knew that Ficlets wouldn’t be able to carry on without his influence and support. If the fantastic and creative community that cropped up around the fiction site could be considered the lifeblood of Ficlets, then Kevin was really its heart: […]