I’ve gradually been leading my wife into the nerd world over the past few years. It was slow to start, but once she saw Robert Downey Jr. portray a pretty amazing Iron Man/Tony Stark, and then discovered the magic of Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch, she’s been rocketing past me in fandom at a fairly brisk pace. And really, […]
Here’s an idea I’m just going to throw out there, considering it’s 2012. If you can draw and you have the equivalent brainpower of a creative six year old, try making up your own characters. Then draw them doing interesting things. Post those stories online, develop an audience and charge $75 to sketch your own […]
Marvel vs. DC: Zombies eating your brains
I must have a thing for Brad Guigar since this is the second post in a row where I link to him. However, in this case, we are definitely not in agreement. Read what he had to say last week in regards to DC’s current Blackest Night storyline. Feh. I still say this plot reads […]
Jon Favreau answers Iron Man questions on MySpace
Link: MySpace.com Now this is a very welcome discovery. 4 Color Rebellion has found out that newly-assigned director of the upcoming Iron Man movie setup a MySpace account for fans of the movie to flock to. Not only that, but is answering–and asking–questions of the fans to get a better idea of what direction the […]