Okay, so today is November 1st, and my wife probably thinks that I’m already hard at work on my NaNoWriMo novel as I sit here clicking and clacking away at the keys of my computer, but I’m really just writing a blog post for my site to let everyone know that YES, I’m doing […]
The sounds of typing fills the air
As you probably no doubt remember, we’re participating in NaNoWriMo this year. As I sit here, we’re a full one-third of the way into the NaNo season, and things are very interesting. As you can see by my stats, I’m actually doing very well this year – far and away better than the last time […]
Nan Oh Rhyme Oh
It’s that time of year, again. The fall leaves changing, the air is getting colder (I think I covered most of this in my last post). But most of all, we’re quickly approaching November. And that means: NaNoWriMo. For those unfamiliar, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. The time of year where thousands of people […]
What’s this?
Is this a winner badge? More after I get some sleep. Headed to Iowa City this weekend, so I might not get the opportunity to post again until Monday. That is, unless I die while driving through the ice and snow this weekend. So, if I don’t post again by, let’s say, next Tuesday, assume […]
2 days remaining!
Only today and tomorrow left in NaNoWriMo, and I’m sitting at around 47,000 words. Almost there! We’re traveling Friday night to visit family in Iowa City, so that basically means that I need to get about 3,000 words written TODAY! AAAAAUGH!!! I can probably do it. Yeah, that’s right. I think I might just be […]
Just under 40,000 – finish line in sight
I hit 38,112 words last night. I was doing pretty well with the new 2,350 daily word limit over my Thanksgiving vacation, but hit several days of road blocks, starting with Thanksgiving, and going on through the weekend. Last night, though, I was able to overcome my NEW new limit of 2,450 words by a […]
About 8,000 behind, but getting caught up
I did some figuring last night using my handy progress sheet. I’m several thousand words behind at this point, and I’ve been failing at even keeping up with the 1,667 limit. What this means is that essentially, I am desperately overdue for a more realistic daily goal. If I force myself to write 1,667 words […]
Zero. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Zip. The Anti-Number. That’s how many words I wrote on my novel yesterday. Prior to that, my lowest daily count was 222. Now, it’s zero. At the NaNoWriMo kick-off meeting, some people mentioned how the middle of the month is the most difficult. You lose a lot of steam around the […]
About 6,000 behind
I’m hovering somewhere around 13,700 words as of today. Mathematically, every six days this month, we NaNo’ers should have completed another 10,000 words. So, by the end of the day today (the twelfth of November), I should be at 20,000 words. Ha. My goal is to get to 15,000 before going to bed tonight. My […]
Drawing instead of writing…oops!
I should really be writing, I suppose. I wrote a measly 400 words Monday, and by Tuesday I was well over 3,000 words behind where I should have been. So in a flurry of writing, I got through another 1,200 words yesterday, so that I was within arm’s reach of the day six goal of […]