So, I’ve had this short story bubbling around in my head for a while, and I finally got around to scratching down a few of the details before they become lost to the vanishing ether of this echoing chamber of a brain I’m cursed with. As I was putting together some of the character details, […]
10,000 Words!
I just hit a major milestone tonight. 10,250 words as of 9:45pm. With my end goal of 70,000 words, this means I’m likely around 1/7th of the way through my novel. Even though, I’m probably actually NOT 1/7th of the way through my novel, it feels like it, and so that’s what I’m sticking with […]
Moving the goal posts
I’m doing it again. I’m moving the goal posts. This time, it has nothing to do with being distracted by something new and shiny. This time, it has everything to do with being caught up in a lot of stuff every week, and needing a bit more time to breathe than I currently offer myself. […]
My word count on my novel will be pathetically miniscule this week, as I have suffered a major setback. That setback was not medical, mental, or spiritual. It was merely a side-effect of my inability to focus on anything for any extended period of time. Sometime this past weekend, I caught on a great (or […]
Novel progress: week 1
I’m not going to make this a habit because I don’t want to attempt to switch too often between “blog writer” and “fiction writer” hats. It doesn’t hurt, but it kills my motivation. But I had to mark this occasion. Yesterday, I hit 4,300 words, which is just 50 words over my first week goal. […]
Just under 40,000 – finish line in sight
I hit 38,112 words last night. I was doing pretty well with the new 2,350 daily word limit over my Thanksgiving vacation, but hit several days of road blocks, starting with Thanksgiving, and going on through the weekend. Last night, though, I was able to overcome my NEW new limit of 2,450 words by a […]
About 8,000 behind, but getting caught up
I did some figuring last night using my handy progress sheet. I’m several thousand words behind at this point, and I’ve been failing at even keeping up with the 1,667 limit. What this means is that essentially, I am desperately overdue for a more realistic daily goal. If I force myself to write 1,667 words […]
About 6,000 behind
I’m hovering somewhere around 13,700 words as of today. Mathematically, every six days this month, we NaNo’ers should have completed another 10,000 words. So, by the end of the day today (the twelfth of November), I should be at 20,000 words. Ha. My goal is to get to 15,000 before going to bed tonight. My […]
Just under 2,000 for day one
Wow. I started off with about 742 words half-heartedly punched out over my lunch break today. I guess my brain just wasn’t in it at the time. But just now, in about a half hour, I threw out another 1,200 words. The second section of chapter one just came running out of nowhere. It was […]