Just a reminder: itsdangeroustogoalone.com no longer belongs to me

To any of my friends who still have a link to the former Nintendo gaming Tumblr blog, It’s Dangerous to Go Alone, which was formerly housed at the URL itsdangeroustogoalone.com (I’m looking at you, Jenn), or any of you that may have that site in their RSS feed reader, just a fair warning that the […]

Writing out chapter three of my novel longhand. Which is not ideal, because A) my handwriting is terrible, and B) my hand cramps up something fierce after only a few minutes of writing. But it’s marginally better than writing on my computer, which usually consists of roughly 2% writing, and 98% surfing Facebook and Tumblr. […]

There was a knowing look on Elder Ro’s face. A look that Logan instantly recognized. It was a look of pity. One that suggested to Logan that the Desdemonian elder likely felt at least some amount of sympathy for the young helpless boy whose father had been missing for far too many days. Logan hated […]

The book is a Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler-inspired murder mystery set in Heaven. Imagine central casting for a 1930s detective novel juxtaposed with all the strange and terrifying members of the heavenly choir: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Virtues, Seraphim, Cherubim… Swell dames and femmes fatales, dirty priests and the Voice of God. […]