I decided sometime back in 2011 that I was going to really start focusing on improving my art. So, I’ve been drawing for a few years now. I mean, I’ve been drawing–more or less off and on–since I was a kid, but. Well. You know what I mean. One thing that I’ve tried to do […]
Everybody’s working for the …. well, I work weekends, too
Summer has finally given way to a chilly, cloudy, glorious autumn, easily my favorite of the four seasons (no offense to Frankie Valli). Skies are gray, air is crisp, pumpkin pie is pending, and my birthday is just around the corner. Life is good. It’s been busy around these parts these days. I’ve been working […]
All Quiet on the Western Front…
Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve had a blog post up. But I have a very good excuse! It hasn’t been the general sorts of things, like laziness, or forgetfulness, or just plain sick of blogging. No, in April we discovered that we had to move out of the nice home we had been […]
From 2012 to 2013
Yeah, I’m doing that whole looking back at the year behind us, and looking forward to the year ahead sort of thing today. Bear with me, I haven’t written a blog post in several months. I’m a bit rusty. All in all, 2012 was a pretty good year for us. It was the year my […]
What I’ve been up to: ART!
Okay, so it’s been roughly a month since my site redesign, and I only just today remembered that I had a blog. I had planned on only posting about once a month anyway, so consider it a WIN that I’m getting to it before the end of September. But that’s okay, honestly, because I’ve been […]
That’s why I can say with confidence that rich people don’t create jobs, nor do businesses, large or small. What does lead to more employment is a “circle of life” like feedback loop between customers and businesses. And only consumers can set in motion this virtuous cycle of increasing demand and hiring. In this sense, […]
Novels and the consumer mentality
There’s been a big to-do on those darn argumentative internets regarding George R. R. Martin’s treatise on how he should be allowed to have his own life and not be forced to simply churn out book after book like some sort of novel-writing automat. Several notable authors have hopped onto the bandwagon to defend Martin’s […]
Steam doesn’t offer a refund even if the software doesn’t work?
Update: apparently, they do! Read here for an update to this story. I finally purchased Puzzle Quest a little while back on the recommendation of pretty much everyone on the internet, including a couple of friends and at least one co-worker. I figured rather than pick it up on the Wii, I would instead get […]
Nintendo is its own worst enemy
A word of caution: I’m going to rant a bit. Eurogamer site Games Industry has the current generation version of the same old story that’s been recanted every generation since the days of the Super NES: Nintendo is its own worst enemy. In part, it’s true, but in all honesty, part of this concept is […]
Netscape Navigators still digging?
The way Jason Calacanis made it sound, the digg users now on the Netscape payroll were going to be “exclusively” ‘scaping (god, I hate that term) for the digg-like social news system. However, a look at the submission history on digg for top users Wayjer and dirtyfratboy shows that they are still contributing to the […]